Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Basic knowledge of laser and Inkjet

Basic knowledge of laser and Inkjet

Gotten by several technological kinds ink jet. The kind that was pioneered by HP and continued to be developed was thermal ink jet technology (TIJ). Printer was based on TIJ used a set nozzle very small to create millions of drops of ink, placed him in the exact combination on paper or the other printing media. Hawlett Packard continued to complete this technology to achieve printing technology that was superior with used as far as 31 drops of ink that was very small to print a point. This enabled the range creation of the colours that was amazing for very realistic results. Traditionally, black ink (K) was produced through one cartridge single and the colours cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY) was united to form one cartridge three colours. If the user of the non-business often used the mixture of these colours in the level that in general same, the user of the business possibly used the certain colour more often, then cartridge one colour became more general for the business to using that was more economical. To more increased the speed, reliability, and cost saving, technology inkjet at this time used one modular ink delivery system. This system separated the head printed (print head) from cartridge ink, enabled the head printed to move faster and cartridge ink to keep ink more. Chip clever in the head printed will supervise the use of ink and the situation the head printed for the quality and efficient operation consistently. The type of paper, that also was known as the media, to be able to have the dramatic effect on the quality of the picture of TIJ. Based on the requirement, heterogenous the media could be chosen, from normal paper for the use of the printing of the big volume until paper was stratified especially Hawlett Packard that was drafted for results that shine, durable, and had a quality the photograph.

Basics of using the laser

printer laser, laser photoconductive drum at a point in the location of a particular printer. Through this process, drum "drawn" with the electricity that interesting combination of toner particles to the right in the drum to transfer to the printed page. Color laser printer is a multi-pass using a picture of the drum for each color CMYK. A solution that is faster, the technology of printer, single-pass or in-line four-drum has a page that allows printed in one of the last way.The last step from laser is merging (fusing). The temperatur of winder is so high and the compression of winder , thaw and then combine toner particles on the plastic paper. Due to heat generated in this process, the type of media that can be used for printing LaserJet more limited compared with the media to use inkjet printing.

The technological comparison of the two technologies inkjet and the laser in printer Hawlett Packard was indeed designed for prominent results, efficient, and could be relied on for various requirements. The difference of technology from each kind printer enabled them to be used for the use and the requirement for the certain printing.

HP Inkjet Technology

1.The quality of the perfect printing, competent, was easy to be used, and not expensive
2.Good for special paper, wide-format, and the media's other kind that unique
3.The printing capacity of the picture that was realistic like picture
4.There was no cost for the replacement fuser or drum
5.Usually smaller in size

HP LaserJet technology

1. The perfect printing quality, reliable, easy to use, and not expensive
2. Good for printing with the large volume and the results quickly to document the long
3. Supplies can be used to create a lot of prints
4. Have some paper that can accommodate lots of paper and final settlement of the options

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